Design in Dialogue
An online opportunity for design lovers, hosted by Glenn Adamson.
1st April – 30th June
Friedman Benda online

Glenn Adamson
COURTESY: Glenn Adamson
AMONGST THE MANY online initiatives from design galleries across the world, Friedman Benda has launched Design In Dialogue. Hosted by the curator, historian and The Design Edit contributor Glenn Adamson, these sessions offer design lovers an opportunity to join leading voices from the field – designers, makers, critics, and curators – as they discuss their work and ideas. Conversations are held on Zoom for 45 minutes, with 15 minutes participatory Q&A, beginning at 11 am Eastern Standard Time, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Najla El Zein with ‘Seduction Pair 06’
COURTESY: Friedman Benda and Najla El Zein / PHOTOGRAPH: Damien Arlettaz
Last week’s stars were Faye Toogood and Humberto Campana; on Monday the invited guest was the Lebanese designer Najla El Zein. This Wednesday (22nd April) you can put your questions to the young French/Danish design duo OrtaMiklos (Leo Orta and Viktor Miklos Andersen) while on Friday (24th April) it is the turn of famed British collectible design pioneer, Ron Arad.

OrtaMiklos with ‘The Guardians Chair’
You will find the link to join the conversation on the day on Friedman Benda’s instagram. All the conversations are recorded, so you can catch up with those you have missed. The idea is to continue the platform beyond quarantine – an instance of the ways in which the COVID-19 shut down has precipitated innovation.

Ron Arad
Design in Dialogue – 1st April – 30th June. 11am EST, three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.